Monday, February 11, 2008

Meeting Kin

After more than ten long years I finally met Kin – my nerd of a high school classmate who is best remembered as a science adoring, technology manic whiz kid. Seeing him show up at another classmate’s wedding looking almost exactly as he did years back brought an amused smile as memories from high school played like slideshow in my face. A scene depicting me and my other classmates laboring badly in our Physics and Algebra assignments while Kin, bored in his seat, was all set and ready with his computation and seamless solutions to those dreaded subjects, was just among the funny memories remembered. I learned that he indeed made use of his brains by becoming, according to him, a perennial student – earning two undergraduate degrees and currently on his way to obtaining an MS in Computer Science while authoring two tech textbooks on the side. And his interests never waned after all these years – science, astronomy or technology or a sensible mix of all these (see photo of a galacticship orbiting the earth below grabbed from his blog); and as he blogs about them, I cannot help but feel delighted seeing Kin and his old usual self. Now, even as he makes this world his ant farm, it is still Kin all this time.

1 comment:

Kin said...

Hi Div! LOL, thanks for the blog post, that was quiet flattering :)

I just back from La Union surfing but I visited your blog when I got back to Manila. Great effort here, continue posting and Adsense will follow!